Control Module 2: 40A DC-DC Charger & 100A Solar Charger with Bluetooth Monitoring

4,154.70 4154.7 AUD 4,154.70 Including GST

3,777.00 Including GST

Not Available For Sale

    This combination does not exist.

    NB: Unit price decreases at higher quantities: 5,10,20 etc (unless on sale).

    Body Construction

    Powder-coated aluminium enclosure

    Compact shape and size

    Designed and built in Australia


    2x 50A Solar MPPT

    40A DC-DC Charger

    Remote Monitoring with Bluetooth
    (Remote screen must be installed)


    3x Grey Anderson (50A output each)

    1x Blue Anderson (40A DC-DC Charger Input)

    2x Red Anderson (Up to 100V Solar MPPT Input)

    class Website(http.Controller): @http.route(['/'], type='http', auth='public', website=True) def index(self, **kw): if http.request.env.user.partner_id.property_product_pricelist: # Set the pricelist to the user's allocated pricelist return http.request.render('website.homepage')